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Remount Loyalty Program

Join our exclusive Remount Rewards Loyalty Program today and start saving even more on every purchase for your horse! Earn horseshoes, unlock special discounts, and get access to members-only perks.

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    Sign Up

    Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program

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    Earn Points

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

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    Redeem Rewards

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

Reach new tiers as you earn more points.
  1. New Foal

    0 total earned points required
    Earn Horseshoes to get special discounts on future purchases!

    Earn Points
    • Purchase a productGet 5 Horse Shoes
    • Sign up to the siteGet 25 Horse Shoes
    Redeem Rewards
    • Remount Loyalty Program25 Horse Shoes = 10% off a specific category
  2. Green Broke

    50 total earned points required
    Earn Horseshoes to get higher discounts on future orders!

    Earn Points
    • Purchase a productGet 5 Horse Shoes
    Redeem Rewards
    • Remount Loyalty Program50 Horse Shoes = 20% off a specific category
  3. Performance Horse

    150 total earned points required
    Earn Horseshoes to receive big discounts on future orders!

    Earn Points
    • Purchase a productGet 5 Horse Shoes
    Redeem Rewards
    • Remount Loyalty Program150 Horse Shoes = 33% off a specific category
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